In the past two days, some media have exposed that the tasting will be a mere formality, display and arbitrage, which has triggered an extensive discussion in the industry about the authenticity and value of the tasting. In particular, the reporter of "Huaxia Wine Daily" pays close attention to the view that "tasting is already an outdated investment."

We should know that in the wine industry, the application of tasting is very common, and it is regarded as the basic strategy and necessary means to cultivate and guide consumers' preferences. it is not only a platform to show product flavor and transmit wine culture, but also an important way to deepen consumers' awareness and loyalty to the brand.

However, in recent years, with the popularity of tasting as a training tool, its actual effectiveness and original intention have gradually encountered widespread scrutiny and questioning by consumers and dealers. The tasting meeting, which was originally designed to accurately cultivate consumer preferences and strengthen brand stickiness through fine planning and in-depth experience, is faced with rigid form, empty content and distorted evaluation in the process of excessive commercialization. even put a picture for a show, benefit arbitrage and many other challenges.

However, it is obviously unfair and one-sided to completely negate the role of the product appraisal, or even label it as "outdated".

"how can there be knowledge without taste? Many products are tasting. " Kong Xiangni, general manager of Xiaode famous Wine, told Huaxia Wine Daily that tasting meetings will never be out of date, but many manufacturers and dealers cannot fully invest resources and energy in organizing and implementing tasting meetings for various reasons, resulting in unsatisfactory results.

Indeed, after the wine industry bid farewell to the golden age of "lying down and making money", the whole industry entered a relatively long period of low operation in the face of the phenomenon of "barrier lake" formed by overstocking and the common problem of price inversion in the market.

In this process, every link in the chain, either active or passive, is carried forward. However, it is undeniable that the chaos that will appear in the evaluation more reflects the deviation at the level of implementation rather than the defects of the model itself.

"for example, Beidacang held a number of tasting meetings in a county-level market in Heilongjiang Province, where sumptuous banquets were prepared for 1000 tables of consumers, and drinks were provided free of charge. This not only makes Beidacang establish a good brand image in the local market, but also improves consumers' awareness and perception of alcohol. According to statistics, in that year, Beidacang successfully achieved annual sales of more than 3 million yuan in this county with a population of 30, 000. " Zhang Wei, general manager of Heilongjiang Weiming Trading Co., Ltd. revealed in an interview with Huaxia Wine Daily that the taste of a product is very necessary, when the product will be able to get rid of formalism. when it really focuses on improving the quality of experience, enhancing educational significance, and promoting sincere communication between consumers and brands, its potential and influence should not be underestimated.

"the tasting meeting, as a classic and direct way of marketing, has built a bridge to directly feel the product characteristics and brand culture. Especially for the birth of a new brand, the tasting meeting must keep up with it. Not only that, mature brands renovate or upgrade also need to constantly taste, to deeply link consumers, such as Wuliangye and Mei Shang Banquet, four special 15-year tasting garden party, Dong wine's healthy high-end wine tasting party, have become the benchmark of marketing. " Yan Wenchen, an analyst in the liquor industry, pointed out that through well-designed interactive links, personalized content customization and innovative forms integrated with modern science and technology, the tasting meeting can completely become an important force in promoting the healthy development of the industry and leading consumption upgrading.

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SourceBestnftgameiosHuaxia Wine News