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On May 22nd, 2024 Forbes China artificial Intelligence Technology Enterprise Summit and TOP 50 Award presentation ceremony was solemnly held in Shanghai. As the "2024 Forbes China artificial Intelligence Innovation scene Application Enterprise Top 10" sub-awardTopgameficryptoYu Rong, chairman of Mei Nian Health Group, the founder of the award-winning company, was invited to attend the award ceremony and deliver a speech on the theme of "the Logic and Innovation behind the ALL in AI' Strategy of Mei Nian Health".

In his keynote speech, Yu Dong shared the progress and achievements made by Mei Nian Health in promoting digital transformation and innovation in recent years, and elaborated on the logic and future planning behind MeiNian's ALL in AI strategy to start a new journey of digital intelligent health management.

Adhere to digital transformation and scientific and technological innovation to build a healthy big data-driven life technology company

Yu Dong shared the development process of Mainian Health in AI and digitization. Yu Dong pointed out that in recent years, Meinian Health has persisted in mathematical intelligence empowerment, comprehensively accelerated the digital transformation, firmly implemented the "ALL in digitization" strategy, created a new generation of Bian Que intelligent physical examination management SAAS cloud platform, realized the digital and intelligent management of the whole physical examination process, and built a professional medical technology platform cluster including Bian Que intelligent physical examination management SAAS cloud platform, inspection quality control LIS cloud platform and ECG cloud platform. Create a leading medical operation platform, and then achieve data closed loop, enable business management. In addition, it has also launched digital health management private domain platforms-Mall Mini Program, Star CRM customer relationship management platform, enterprise service cloud platform-Mei Nien engagement, private domain operation cloud platform-Xinghai system and other digital platforms, realizing full-business and full-process digital management. The assistant diagnosis using artificial intelligence technology has been realized in key disciplines such as pulmonary nodules, fundus, ultrasound and so on.

In 2024, Meinian Health began to fully implement the "All in AI" strategy, began to build Bian Que cloud platform group, and released China's first health management AI robot, "Health Xiaomei". In 2024, it is planned to further combine artificial intelligence technology to launch a series of heavyweight products and services, such as AI accurate nutrition, TCM intelligent physical examination, liver health, vascular health, AI mental health, AI blood glucose special management, and so on. Committed to the comprehensive capacity of AI industry and research, business operation and innovation.

Yu Dong pointed out that the entire operation system of Meinian Health has initially realized the digital and intelligent operation of the whole business process. The use of advanced digital management tools, including B-end sales enabling platform, C-end sales digital contact, excellent physical examination service platform, leading medical operation platform, health management platform, Internet hospital, data governance base, etc. realize the digitalization of the customer operation from the foreground to the overall operation system of middle and background management. As the earliest medical enterprise in China to lay out and apply AI, Mainian has expanded more and more artificial intelligence application scenarios throughout the whole process of physical examination service before, during and after the examination, which has greatly improved the experience and satisfaction of customers.

Mei Nien Health has a physical examination of nearly 30 million people every year, resulting in a huge amount of health big data, which has become the largest personal health data center in China. These big data are not only the basis of disease risk prediction, but also the core entrance for residents to obtain chronic disease management and individual accurate prevention solutions. Meinian Health actively participates in national key scientific research projects, deeply develops the scientific research and application of Health big data, and focuses on serving public health, promoting clinical scientific research, empowering the development of health industry and improving the quality of health management. In April 2023, Mei Nian Health Group and the Institute of Mei Nian Public Health, Department of Medicine, Peking University jointly released the "big data Blue Book of Health examination 2022". The data of the Blue Book comes from the samples taken from the annual physical examination population of Mainian Health Group in 2022, with a sample size of 16.47 million, covering 31 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, with the labor force population as the main analysis object. it is the first time in China to release a report on the number of samples exceeding 10 million, with the widest geographical coverage, and contains the physical examination data of multi-ethnic healthy people. In addition, Mainian Health, as the project lead unit, undertakes the key task of the national key R & D program special project "Health examination big data Cloud platform", which has recently passed the comprehensive performance evaluation organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology. Acceptance has been formally completed. The conclusion of the project not only contributes to the improvement of the data asset value of the health examination industry and the continuous training and optimization of the AI model, but also provides an important technical support for the reform and upgrading of China's health examination industry, but also lays a solid foundation for the "All in AI" strategy of MeiNian. At the same time, it also realizes the further connection between physical examination and medical data, which helps to construct the health files of users in the whole life cycle, and provides a solid data base for accurate medical research and intelligent health management. it is of great significance to improve the national health level and promote the construction of a healthy China.

Meinian Health actively conforms to the general trend of intelligent change. In recent years, big data and AI technology have been widely used to launch a series of mature "specialized and new" innovative products, including AI diagnosis of pulmonary nodules, AI diagnosis of stroke, brain cognitive AI diagnosis, coronary artery calcification integral AI diagnosis, ECG AI diagnosis, breast ultrasound AI diagnosis, ultrasound AI quality control, fundus AI diagnosis, bone age AI evaluation in children, etc. AI-assisted diagnosis of physical examination professional service products has been realized in key key disciplines, which has greatly improved medical quality, diagnosis and treatment efficiency and accuracy. In recent years, Meinian Health has launched a series of "AI star products" with the help of AI technology, including "Nao Ruijia" (including brain AI segmentation and reconstruction technique), "Fei Jiening" (including AI intelligent evaluation of pulmonary nodules), coronary artery calcification score (including AI recognition and extraction to calculate calcification), fundus disease screening (including AI fundus photography analysis), bone mineral density screening (X-ray bone mineral density measurement based on AI), AI-MDT multi-disciplinary expert health management system and so on. In the future, especially under the background of open AI, Mainian Health will make full use of artificial intelligence technology, especially AIGC technology, to provide customers with better health management services in the field of health management.

Fully embracing the era of big models, All in AI begins a new journey of digital intelligent health management.

In 2020, Meinian Health put forward the "All in digitization" strategy, and by 2024 it has been upgraded to "All in AI" strategy, striving to upgrade from the leading enterprise of preventive medical track to the leader of omni-directional and full-life cycle digital health management.

Yu Dong believes that health management and large model technology have an excellent landing scene in the medical and health industry. The efficiency of AI and the quality of AI can bring about the improvement of medical service quality and the reduction of price and cost in the next 5-10 years, which is the most important application scenario and logic of AI in the medical field. Mei Nian Health will stand on the new starting point of the 20th anniversary, fully embrace the big model era, through the health management model, empower the whole process of physical examination, constantly launch innovative products, and create a new paradigm of digital health management in the big model era. to provide customized, systematic and scientific comprehensive solutions for digital health management covering the whole age and life cycle for individuals and families To provide people with more accurate, efficient and personalized health services.

Yu Dong said that Mainian Health is working with relevant scientific research institutes and artificial intelligence enterprises to launch research on the application of AIGC technology and artificial intelligence data model in the health examination industry, give full play to the advantages of Mei Nian health data, realize production as soon as possible, and launch products such as "healthy Xiaomi", AI physical examination report interpretation, AI chronic disease management, AI personalized physical examination, AI nutrition customization and so on. Create industry-leading AI capabilities to comprehensively improve service quality and customer experience Internally, we are committed to using AI intelligent sales, AI intelligent chief inspection, AI doctor assistant and AI intelligent customer service as enabling tools to continuously improve the operational efficiency of various departments and achieve "internal cost reduction and efficiency, external product innovation". At the same time, Mainian Health is building a training ground for the application of large models, focusing on the whole process of physical examination before, during and after examination, as well as a series of value-added services such as post-examination specialties, genetic testing and chronic disease management. open and rich business scenarios for large model applications In addition, through ecological cooperation with industrial partners and innovation teams in computing, modeling and application layer, we will complete the construction of large model infrastructure and middle tier, launch N innovative products based on AI technology, jointly build a new ecology of healthcare AIGC industry, and provide strong industry large modeling capability, high quality data sets and base platform for institutions and enterprises in healthcare field.

Meinian Health is building a new journey of AIGC. In January 2024, Mainian Health reached a strategic cooperation with Huawei Cloud and Runda Medical. The three parties announced that they would jointly build China's first health management AI robot, "Health Xiaomei". Using advanced generative AI technology and accurate data-driven services, "Health Xiaomei" can provide users with personalized health management advice, plans and services, combined with the latest medical research results. Tailor the health management plan for users, adjust and optimize the recommendations in time to adapt to the changes of users' health status. The internal test version of "Health Xiaomei" has been officially launched in Mei Nian's physical examination center on April 15, 2024, and has been widely praised by users. This means that every customer who has a physical examination in Meinian in the future will have an AI-driven 24-hour online professional health manager to provide lifelong health management services, which provides a very good technical support for the entire physical examination industry to upgrade to full-life-cycle digital health management services in the future. In the future, based on the "Health Xiaomei" platform, Mainian Health will be connected to more new generation AI products, such as remote viewing of images, special care service system for chronic diseases, Lvtong for medical treatment, innovative health insurance, and customization of AI nutrition products, to protect the lives and health of Chinese people in all aspects.

In addition, in order to further expand the scope of business and improve the quality of service, Mainian Health will make every effort to accelerate the in-depth layout of artificial intelligence track in the field of health care, and the next step will also launch a new generation of typical AI products, such as "Mei Nian Star" AI Intelligent sales Assistant, Mei Nian AI Blood Sugar specialist, Mei Nian AI Precision Nutrition Program and other typical new generation AI products.

Yu Dong finally pointed out that "flow entry" and "health data" have become new medical resources. Mainian Health, as an important digital medical data carrier, is currently working with excellent partners to carry out in-depth cooperation in the fields of vertical artificial intelligence models, including mental health, liver health, vascular health, blood glucose management, tumor and chronic disease screening, and so on. It is expected to better enable health management services after testing through the carrier of Mainian, and use the large model as a new traffic entrance. Actively build an ecological circle with strong incubation function, enable a number of strongly related upstream and downstream unicorn enterprises, help the excellent AI enterprises in the subdivided fields of each track grow up rapidly, jointly create a new ecology of "AI+ health management" industry, enable the development of digital health management in the whole life cycle, and make an important contribution to the future development of national preventive medicine. This is also an important mission for Meinian to give full play to its advantages of platform.

topgameficrypto| Yu Rong, Chairman of Meinian Health Group, attended the "2024 Forbes China Artificial Intelligence Technology Enterprise Summit and TOP 50 Awards Ceremony" and delivered a keynote speech